Daf Yomi questions for Arachin erchin 24
1. If Rabbi Yehudah considers the yovel year as the first year as well, then the first shemita cycle of the new 49 years will have only 5 years of working the land, but HaShem said to work the land for 6 years. How Rabbi Yehudah reconcile this point?
2. If chachamim subscribe to 'Ad' not to be inclusive of the 7th day of Pesach, then how do they explain the fact that HaShem included the 7th day by specifically given the date of the month for it not to eat chametz.?
Also, are chachamim consistent throughout Gemara with the word 'Ad' not to be inclusive the like not including the 7th day of Pesach?
Do we go by chachamim or Rebbi regarding the word 'Ad'?
3. If a person makdishes everything to Beith Hamikdash, does EVERYTHING include the account receivable, that is the money that is coming to him at a later date?
If it does, how would a person pay to get his Tefilin back if he makdishes everthing?
Hedy Zaghi, BOCA Raton, Florida, USA
Dear Hedy,
The Posuk is only talking in general, that normally there are 6 years, and this cycle has a reason to be different.
Here the Pasuk Shmos 12:18,19 goes out of its way with extra words to include until the end of the 21st day- and so the normal meaning of Ad does not apply.
Of cource the Chachamim are consistent with their opinion.
The meaning of Ad throughouy the Torah (when not changed by other words) needs to be examined at length.
Concerning Hekdesh, it could be he means also future monies which are already his, but he can pay for the Tefilin by borrowing money or earning new wages, etc.
All the best,
Reuven Weiner