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1. "Kehunah" needs "Etzba" 2. A Lefty Kohen 3. definition of terms

Shmuel Tannenbaum asked:

In rav Shimon's Shita the gemoro says the following: "Etzba lo ba'aya kehuna, Kehuna ba'aya etzba".

If etzba alone works and kehuna alone doesn't, then just forget about kehuna. What does that mean that kehuna NEEDS etzba? Furthor more if you have both words, Kehuna should stay Moofne for another drosho since you have etzba.

Thank you.

Shmuel Tannenbaum, Lakewood NJ

The Kollel replies:

What you suggest is actually the Gemara's intention. We learn that the right hand must be used from the word "Etzba" alone. "Kehunah" is not used at all for this Drasha.

D. Zupnik

Mark Bergman responded:

So, does the Gemoro retract from the words "Reb Shimon tartei bo'ee" ?

Mark Bergman, Manchester UK

The Kollel replies:

Clearly, yes. The Gemara retracts from "Rebbi Shimon Tartei Ba'i." Etzba alone is "one."