Can you please give me some guidance on what the Gemara says about:
a) davening among elderly people who may be incontinent;
b) whether a community should include or exclude from a minyan elderly people who may have a tendency to incontinence;
c) the inclusion or exclusion of incontinent women from a prayer hall used by men;
d) whether a sefer Torah may be stored in a room used socially by elderly people who may have a tendency to incontinence;
e) whether there are other sources, in addition to Berachos, where I can take these questions further.
It would be a great help if I could a reply from you before Shavuos. Many thanks.
Stephen Games, London UK
Dear Stephen,
(a) We must distinguish between incontinence that is under the clothes and that which is visible.
Under the clothes, as when diapers are worn, presents no problem at all. But if the outer clothes are wet, or if a smell comes from the person, we cannot daven in this person's vicinity. In this case it would be wise to put these people in the back of the shul, so that the rest of the people would be facing the aron kodesh [away from the people in back] and be at least 2 meters away from them.
(b) See question one. If they are only willing to sit with everyone, then the minyan would have indeed have to close down and everyone would daven at home.
(c) Women have exactly the same law as men. But of course they would only be disturbing other women since they are not in the same room as with the men.
(d) As long as the sefer torah is in the ark, this is considered a mechitza and there is no problem at all.
(e) My answers are gleaned from various places in Shulchan Aruch from Orach Chaim 76 to 79.
Best wishes,
Rabbi Israel P. Feinhandler