איתא במשנה בעל קרי אינו מברך לפניו ומהרהר לאחריו . לרב חסדא שהרהור לאו כדיבור דמי, נמצא שע"י אכילתו מכניס עצמו לחיוב בה"מ ואינו מקיימו מחמת שהוא אנוס מטעם תק"ח שא"י לברך
Yaakov Fink, toronto, CA
I'm not sure what the problem is. A Ba'al Keri is is also Chayav to Daven, yet Takanas Ezra stops him from doin so. So why is Birchas ha'Mazon more of a problem than Tefilah (which is also basically d'Oraysa, according to many Poskim [Keri'as Sh'ma certainly is]), yet they forbade him to do so?
Are you trying to say that he should not eat, in order not to bring about a Chiyuv to Bensch?
The answer to all these questions is based on the established principle that the Chachamim have the right to issue decrees which prevent people from performing Mitzvos (such as not blowing Shofar and taking Lulav on Shabbos) as long as they are 'be'Shev ve'Al Ta'aseh', which all the above cases are (and not 'Kum va'Asei' [such as breaking Shabbos or eating a forbidden food)?
be'Virchas Kol Tuv
Eliezer Chrysler.