What are the differences between Bori Hamargil, Choli Hamargil, Bori L'onso and Choli l'onso. Artscroll does not have foot notes on it really and the Shiur I was listening to online the Rav just says the words and glosses over it I also looked on this web site at the dictionary not all terms are defined.
The way I am understanding it is Bori Hamargil is someone who caused himself to become ever Kasha and Baal keri. Choli Hamargil is someone who some how ever kasha hapened and made himself a baal keri. Choli Hamargil is someone was sick ( maybe a traveler and it happened) and choli onso is it just happened.
Please tell me if I am correct and if not what the correct Pshat is.
I am a full time worker and am learning the 3rd perek of Brachos on the train with my chavrusa. I have a yeshiva background.
Avraham Dubin, Queens, NY
"Margil" refers to someone who purposely had marital relations (and thereby saw Keri), whereas "l'Onso" means that he saw Keri through forced circumstances (i.e. in his sleep, he was hot, etc.). Just add "Bari" -- "healthy" and "Choleh" -- "sick (man)," and you will get any definition for any of the combinations above.
All the best,
Yaakov Montrose