What was the procedure for Kidush Yadayim V'Raglayim? Did a Kohen fill up a basin (which would have been a Kli Shoras) from the Kiyor and pour the water over the hands and feet of the Kohen that required Kidush?
According to the Gemora, there were 12 faucets. How did the water from these faucets get to the Kohanim's hands and legs? How much water was required? Did the Kohen have to immerse hands and legs into water? Where did he immerse? Is there a video that demonstrates this?
ben, brooklyn my, usa
Sholom Rav,
1. The Kiyor had a stand in which the Kohen stood as the water poured on his hands and feet - directly from the tap.
2. The Kohen placed his right hand on his right leg/foot and his left hand on his left leg/foot and washed.
3. Based on a ruling with it seems that the minimum amount of water in the Kiyor in the Beis-Hamikdash was sufficient for twelve Kohanim.
4. It is worth noting that it cannot have been the Levi'im who washed their hands, seeing as the Kiyor was placed in the Ezras Kohanim, between the MIzbe'ach and the Ulam, an area where only the Kohanim were permitted to enter.
Be'Virchas Kol Tuv,
Eliezer Chrysler