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10. Lav d'Rabanan

Mark Bergman asked:

The Gemoro (19a) says that if one has time to say even one posuk before arriving at the Shura, one should say it.

My question is that we learnt that for the first posuk one should stop walking, so how could one say the first posuk before reaching the place for the Shura. (I thought maybe it means before the ovel arrives there, but I'm not sure that is the mashmo'us of the Gemoro)

Kol Tuv

Mark Bergman, Manchester, UK

The Kollel replies:

A very good question!

The Rambam explains that after the burial, the people follow the mourners to the row. What the Gemara therefore means is that if those who have not yet said the Sh'ma are able to stop and recite the first Pasuk before the group reaches the location where the Shurah will take place, then they are obligted to do so.

Bear in mind, that the Tana is speaking in the plural. If he had spoken in the singular, your Kashya would have been unanswerable.

Kol Tuv,

R. Eliezer Chrysler