See Nidah daf 17b/18a
The gemara discusses the different areas where the "dam" nay be found, the "cheder", "lul", etc...
1. How is the bedikah being conducted so as to ascertain where the "dam" came from.
2. The gemara questions the origins of "dam" found in various places, how do you even know the final place of the "dam"? I am assuming an "eyd"/cloth is being used, the bedikah is not visible, (versus a modern day scope or something), the cloth is inserted and removed how is possible to know "where" the cloth came in contact with the blood?
If this is a "shakla v'taria" in theory, then I my questions are moot, but the gemara sounds like this is a "metzias"/practical scenario.
Please let me know if you have any thoughts. Eli
eli lieberman, new york
If one inserts the Ed and does not check all around, but rather touches the Dofen in one place only, it is possible.
D. Zupnik