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1. R' Meir and Bruria 2. R. Yosi Ben Kisma 3. Maa'seh with Rebbi Meir's wife
4. Sugya of "Rebbi Meir Baal Haness" 5. Moshav Letzim

Boruch Kahan asks:

This Sugya is famous for being the Mekor of what is famously known as the Reb Meir Baal Haness story

It is right at the end that I have just really a general query ,the Gemoro concludes "VeIka DeAmri MiMaaseh DeBruria" and Rashi tells us the very sad story of Beruria from the Gemoro in Kiddushin 80b

Now I am not sure if I have got the wrong end of the stick because that Gemoro is for sure the Mekor of the Maamar of "Noshim Daaton Kalos"(I looked it up) but the Kilkul Maaseh that Rashi goes on to relate I cannot find there. So my question is is it there and have I missed it or is the actual Masseh in a different Mekor


Boruch Kahan

Boruch Kahan, London England

The Kollel replies:

Reb Boruch, the kilkul maaseh is not in Kidushin 80b.

It seems that the mekor of the maaseh is not known, apart from what Rashi wrote here.

I found that the Maharitz Chiyes, in his Mevo HaTalmud (printed in Kol Sifrei Maharitz Chiyes vol.1 page 342) chapter 21 end DH veDa, writes that this Gemara is an example of the Gemara only mentioning a story as a hint. Maharitz Chiyes writes that Rashi explained this according to what had become known to him by oral tradition, passed down through the generations by word of mouth, even though the account had been omitted by the Talmud.

Dovid Bloom