More Discussions for this daf
1. What Difference Does it Make? 2. "Min ha'Torah" also includes Navi? 3. Tevilas Kelim in the Midbar
4. Rebbi Yishmael Basar Ta'avah

Daniel Gray asks:

Is my understanding correct that when Hash-m allowed Noach to eat animals RY agrees this was allowed til the mizbeach in mishandled?

Also, when mizbeach was out of service (eg corner nicked off) could they Shecht for basar taeveh? The reason of prohibition cause mizbeach available nearby na

Daniel Gray, Toronto Canada

The Kollel replies:

Hash-m permitted people, from Noach, to eat meat. No Shechitah was required. They just could not eat Ever Min ha'Chai; the animal must be dead. This has nothing to do with or without the Mizbe'ach. And that is not our subject.

The Gemara is discussing Jews in the Midbar. According to Rebbi Yishmael, meat is allowed only for Kodshim purposes and not Basar Ta'avah.

Concerning a Mizbe'ach out of service, you have a nice reasoning, but the Torah clearly says that Basar Ta'avah is permitted only after entering Eretz Yisrael.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner