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Jeremy asks:

Why in our Tefillah do we not include the whole text of Elokai Netzor which is mentioned in the Gemara?

Jeremy, Chicago USA

The Kollel replies:

1. The Tachanunim after the Tefilah are not part of the institution of Chazal of saying 18 or 19 blessings, but rather they are private prayers said by different Sages.

2. Rashi later (29b, DH Tachanunim) writes that an example of the petitions after the Tefilah is Elokai Netzor that we say while standing after the Tefilah. We learn from this that the Tachanunim are not actually part of the Tefilah, and, in addition, we learn from Rashi that in his days, also, the general practice was to say only Elokai Netzor.

3. The Beis Yosef (OC 122, DH v'Omer) writes that from all the different requests that each Sage said after the end of Tefilah, the general public selected for itself the prayer of Elokai Netzor.

(Note that some of the other prayers mentioned in the Gemara there are said at other times.)

Ketivah v'Chatimah Tovah,

Dovid Bloom