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Barry Epstein asked:

16a-If loshen hara was not effective (didn't lead to quarrelling), the me'il atones. If effective, me'il doesn't atone.

16b-If loshen hara made in public, me'il atones.

What is loshen hara is made in public and IS effective. How is it decided whether or not the me'il atones?

Barry Epstein, Dallas, USA

The Kollel replies:

The Gemara asks, "If the Me'il atones, then why is there Tzara'as [to atone]?" The Gemara answers that the Me'il is for ineffective Lashon ha'Ra. Then the Gemara asks from the fact that we see that it is actually Ketores which atones for Lashon ha'Ra. To this the Gemara answers that the Ketores is for Lashon ha'Ra spoken in secret.

It is obvious that the second statement of the Gemara follows the first; the question was on that Lashon ha'Ra for which the Me'il atones (i.e. ineffective Lashon ha'Ra). There is no reason to change the first statement that effective Lashon ha'Ra is punishable with Tzara'as.

D. Zupnik