More Discussions for this daf
1. A Worker Stopping To Daven 2. Shema / Shemona Esraeh during working hours 3. Osek b'Mitzvah When Marrying a Widow
4. k'vod for important goyish intellectuals... 5. Raban Gamliel 6. Sichah for a mourner
7. The meaning of "Yehi Ratzon Mil'fanecha" 8. Rashi 9. additional prayers after the Amidah
10. Requests after Prayer 11. Hesped on Tavi 12. בין שהוא בן ברית בין שאינו בן ברית
13. תפילות שאמרו חז״ל בתר דמסיימו צלותא

David Tashbook asked:

(16a) Gemorah mentions saying Shema while in the "tree", I am understanding this to be Sharchris ? If so, how does this explain (14a) where it states that it is forbidden to do work prior to Davening (Sharchris)?

-Secondly, it mentions the case where a worker will NOT recite a "bracha reshona" and only say "two brachas after" - if we are concerned about "stealing" from the Employer, what about "stealing" from HaShem Himself by not making a "bracha reshona"?

David Tashbook, Santa Monica, CA , USA

The Kollel replies:

How do you know that the Mishnah is speaking about a case where the obligation to Daven preceded his work? Presumably the time of his work began before the obligation to Daven arrived. Rashi explains that Berachos are mid'Rabanan, and if the Rabanan gave precedence to his employer, then that is what one has to do, and there is no question of stealing from Hash-m.

Be'Virchas Kol Tuv

Eliezer Chrysler