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1. Aderaba 2. Klapei Laya et al 3. Tum'ah Retzutzah
4. Chezkas Tahora 5. Ma'aseh b'Shifchasah Shel Maisik

Brian Gopin asked:

I had a question with regards to Tumaah Retzutza which comes up in the Yosef Daas for Nidda 15b (and in Pesachim 9b which is what my chavrusa and I are learning right now). We came across a Rashash in Pesachim which says that being maahil on a meis is considered maga and not ohel and I think the notes refer to the Yosef Daas Nazir daf 53-54. Do you happen to have some of the mareh mekomos for this idea? Please let me know.


The Kollel replies:

This opinion -- that being Ma'ahil on a Mes is considered Maga and not Ohel -- is the opinion of Rebbi Yosi in Chulin 125b. (See our Insights there, and to Sukah 10:2, and to Nidah 56:1 for related discussions.)

D. Zupnik