Dear Rabbi Kornfeld,
Firstly, this being my first communication in this forum: I must thank you and express my appreciation to you and the other members of the "kolel" for your (I can't find the suitable adjective) contribution to world-wide Limud haTorah. Not many in our time can have as far reaching influence on global learning as you can . . . Yyasher Kochachem.
While I cannot take issue with your researched analysis of the various ways the amoraim express a challenge to a "memra" or "svara", I suggest that the respective meanings of the various terms is basic to understanding their connotation (and, of course answering Gershon's question). Relying on "taitch-words" of my Girsa deYankusa:
Aderaba = "The exact opposite is true!"
Ipcha Mistabra = "Logic suggests the opposite."
Klapei Laya = "Reverse the order"
Thank you again
Yaakov Schachter
Thank you for your kind words!
Be well,