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Daniel Gray asks:

14b when Rashi explains Shenei Dabarim Shenei Chachamim does he mean to translate dvar as item or as leader - Dabar Echad l'Am v'Ein Shenei Dabarim?

Daniel Gray, TORONTO Canada

The Kollel replies:

Daniel, that is a nice idea but I do not think it is the Pashut Pshat in Rashi. In fact, if that would be the Pshat, it would be contradicting the Gemara in Sanhedrin 8a that says that each genaration should only have one leader.

Kol Tuv,

Dovid Bloom

Daniel Gray asks:

In fact, if that would be the Pshat, it would be IN FULL SUPPORT OF the Gemara in Sanhedrin 8a that says that each generation should only have one leader bc that's what Rashi here too would be saying.

Pls revisit, your answer, to me at least, seems like it's based on a misunderstanding and that if you revisited you too would change you mind.

The Kollel replies:

The Gemara here is referring to a Chacham who gives a Shiur or Derashah. One may have many of those in a generation; the more the better. The Gemara in Sanhedrin, that says one should not have more than one Dabar for every Dor, is referring to a leader taking difficult decisions. Therefore, the latter type of Chacham is not the type that the Gemara in Chulin here is discussing.

Yasher Ko'ach!

Dovid Bloom