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4. A person who is Tamei 5. Source of Reish Lakish for Achilas Terumah 6. v'El ha'Mikdash Lo Tavo

Yaakov Parisi asked:

In the Gemora there are 3 separate arguments about eating and touching trumah, kodesh ect. can you plese give the final oponion of each one and what does the tamei get malkos for according to each oponion. If there is malkos. is there a warning and punidhment for each one?

Yaakov Parisi, Modiin Israel

The Kollel replies:

There are two opinions mentioned in our Gemara, Rebbi Yochanan and Reish Lakish. Here are the opinions.

1) Ba El ha'Mikdash Tamei (i.e. entering the Beis ha'Mikdash whilst in an impure state). Azharah (warning) v'Lo Yetamu Es Ma'chaneihem (Bamidbar 5:3) and Onesh (punishment) from Es Mishkan Hash-m Timei v'Nichresah (Bamidbar 19:13). This is accepted by everyone. This Lav has Malkos.

2) Ochel Kodesh b'Tumas ha'Guf (i.e. a Tamei that eats Kodesh). Onesh from v'ha'Nefesh Asher Tochal Basar mi'Zevach ha'Shelamim Asher la'Hashem v'Tum'aso Alav v'Nichresah (va'Yikra 7:20). Azharah according to Rebbi Yochanan, we learn from a Gezeirah Shaveh from Ba El ha'Mikdash Tamei where the Pasuk (Bamidbar 19:13) in which the Onesh is written uses the word Tum'aso (see 1) as does the Pasuk in which the Onesh of Ochel Kodesh (v'ha'Nefesh Asher Tochal Basar mi'Zevach ha'Shelamim Asher la'Hashem v'Tum'aso Alav v'Nichresah (va'Yikra 7:20)). According to Reish Lakish from b'Chol Kodesh Lo Siga (va'Yikra 12:4) which we learn to mean Achilah (not touching) from the fact that it is compared (Hukash) in the Pasuk to Mikdash. This Lav has Malkos.

3) Negi'as Kodesh (i.e. a person who touched Kodesh whilst in an impure state). According to Rebbi Yochanan there is no Lav for this (although it is still forbidden) and according to Reish Lakish the Azharah is from the fact that the Torah wrote the prohibition of Ochel Kodesh b'Tumas ha'Guf with the word Tiga, meaning to touch and not a word meaning to eat, see 2 above. So according to Rebbi Yochanan there are no Malkos but according to Reish Lakish there are.

4) Achilas Terumah b'Tum'as ha'Guf (i.e. a Tamei that eats Terumah). Azharah from Ish Ish mi'Zera Aharon v'Hu Tzaru'a O Zav ba'Kodashim Lo Yochal (va'Yikra 22:4). Onesh from v'Shamru Es Mishmarti v'Lo Yis'u Alav Cheit u'Mesu Bo Ki Yechaleluhu (Va'Yikra 22:9 see Sanhedrin 83a).

5) Tamei she'Nag'a b'Terumah (i.e. a person who touched Terumah whilst in an impure state). Azharah is learnt from b'Chol Kodesh Lo Siga (va'Yikra 12:4) according to Rebbi Yochanan, whereas Reish Lakish holds there is no Lav. According to Rebbi Yochanan there are Malkos (Tosfos in Zevachim 33b DH l'Inyan, however Tosfos in Makos disagrees (14b DH ha'Hu)).

There is no Onesh for Negi'as Kodesh or Terumah, as Malkos alone need no Pasuk for Onesh.

Dov Freedman