The gemara asks the kashe on Rav, why did rav say K"SH and then put on tefillin, doesn't the sayfa of this Braysa say to do it the other way around. Rashi says something very strange when explaing the sayfa of the braysahe learns pshat that only the second guy puts on T'fillin and then says K"SH but for some reason when he's explaining the the first guy he says that first he says K"SH then he puts on T'fillin. Why?
Binyomin Brodsky, Dallas Texas
An excellent question! To pinpoint the question, why, with regard to the first guy, does Rashi mention K'ri'as Sh'ma before Tefilin, when the Beraisa is saying that Tefilin takes precedence?
However, if you read Rashi's words carefully, you will see that he is not giving us the order in which the first guy actually fulfills the Mitzvos (as he is by the second one). He says merely that he goes up and fulfills the three Mitzvos (not necessarily in that order). And what's more, he takes his cue from the Beraisa, which, in the Reisha, does exactly the same thing (in which case, you may just as well have asked on the Beraisa itself). There too, the Tana is not referring to fulfilling the three Mitzvos, in which case he would have been careful to keep to the right order (as he does in the Seifa), but to where he is not doing so, where the order makes no difference.
Kol Tuv,
R. Eliezer Chrysler