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10. mens underwear 11. wasting seed 12. Rivkah's early pregnancy
13. Bedikah 14. Bedikah for Zov 15. יהרג ואל יעבור

mark benson asks:

I notice about rus the midrash and yalkut says she slept with boaz the next day. I enclose a page which I find very interesting. The noda beyuda says that a woman can tell when she stops hargosho if it is spasms it is understandable.

The chasam sofer I dont understand. He first says it may already be open so she cant tell, then he says what I find interesting, that it is a very hard bedikah to put her mind to it and to stop all her other thoughts and then she can tell if it is open. It sounds a stira to me. But I have said all along that she can tell all the time if it is open or not.

I have come to the conclusion that the AH is correct. A woman can tell if she really wants to but it seems to be a very very difficult thing to do.

I have been learning another gemoro tosfos maharsho and maharam. I always start with the possibilities. Between two years (for the presses) how much time is possible. Both years can be normal or one early and on one late. Using round figures. 10 months if one late and one early, If just this year early 11 and normal 12. If last year early 13 and if also this year late 14.

In each case the machlokes R SBG and the chachomim according to both of tosfos answers and maharsho and maharam.

Another question. On the one hand there is something called kedusha not to do biah often. On the other hand we see the whole gemoro and poskim that for even one night like yehoshua was punished for the reason of pru urvu. I suppose he wont have MZL if it is ossur and that is never the reason given.

I notice one of the gerrer takonos and slonim is not do it on shabbos. I find this very surprising. R Theo Weil says in his sefer on shabbos against the MG'A that it was done even on shabbos afternoon as well.

Mark Benson

The Kollel replies:

I didn't understand your first question, I'm not sure who AH is and what years you are referring to, its not clear.

Regarding your second question, the Gemara regarding Yehoshua in Eiruvin 63b is stating that causing a superfluous Bitul Piryah V'Rivkah like Yehoshua did with the extra day of war is wrong, but if it is not superfluous and does not refer to the entire nation, it is entirely acceptable that a group accepts more Chumros regarding this topic if they are capable of living with them.

The Gemara itself says (berachos 22) that Ezra did not want people to be with their wives too often and therefore made the Takana for Baalei Keri to immerse. Even though the Takana dissipated, it doesn't mean the idea of Ezra was wrong, as this is not Piryah V'Rivya but rather fulfilling lust.

Regarding Shabbos it seems the Rishonim held it was a special Mitzvah and it is also known as Onas Talmidei Chachamim. The Arizal also stresses its importance. From what I see the Gerers are not against this they only want it to be on less Shabboses. Slonim is extreme in forbidding relations on Shabbos and it does seem to go against the Rishonim. I can only assume that the Rebbes were trying to raise the spiritual level of their Chasidim with these measures and viewed them as necessary but not a Halachic requirement for the rest of Am Yisrael.

Yoel Domb