I don't understand R yochanan's kal vachomer: "Benefiting from idolatry is forbidden, all the more so benefiting it!" Benefiting from it and giving benefit to it seem to me two unrelated issurim. How is benefiting from it more "kal?" If you could explain the kal vachomer to me i would very much appreciate it.
Aryeh Sherizen, Silver spring USA
It seems to me that Rebbi Yochanan understands the prohibition of benefitting from Avodah Zarah as something which is forbidden in part because it shows the importance and usefulness of the Avodah Zarah. Accordingly, if receiving benefit from the Avodah Zarah is forbidden because it shows the importance of the Avodah Zarah, even though it does not physically enhance the Avodah Zarah, Kal v'Chomer giving funds to physically enhance and further decorate the Avodah Zarah would be prohibited.
All the best,
Yaakov Montrose