More Discussions for this daf
1. The Mishnah: interruptions during Shema 2. Standing in place when saying shema 3. Avram or Avraham
4. Hash-m keeps His laws; workers 5. Drashos of Rebbi and Chachamim 6. A Snake and A Lion
7. Sho'el Mipnei ha'Kavod 8. Tosofot raising questions on Rashi for Berachot perek rishon, 9. Argument of Bar Kapara and R' Shimon Berebbi
10. Interuptions - R' Meir v. R' Yehudah bottom of 13b 11. Interrupting the Shema 12. Kol Yemei Chayecha
13. Representations in the parable 14. Who Really Chooses the Child's Name? 15. Tosfos Sho'el

Claire Ginsburg Goldstein asked:

does Rashi ask that if the proofreader is checking and makes a mistake in the reading, is he yotzei? then what is tosofot looking for? is the question, just because someone is proofreading, doens't mean that someone is looking to be yotzei, and therefore isn't?

Claire Ginsburg Goldstein, Bergenfield, NJ USA

The Kollel replies:


Rashi is not asking a question; he is explaining the Gemara's question and answer. The Gemara disproves its initial assumption that the Mishnah is saying that Mitzvos Tzerichos Kavanah. Rather, even if one does not need Kavanah to be Yotzei, he at least needs to do an act of reading. The Mishnah then is saying that one who is not even "reading" the Parshah of Shema, but merely "scanning" the Parshah as it is written in the Sefer Torah for errors, does not fulfill his obligation of Keri'as Shema. Tosfos questions this, because "scanning" for errors is no different than reading without intent to fulfill the Mitzvah.

Is this clear?

Yisrael Shaw

Jerusalem, Israel