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Mark Bergman asked:

To followup on my own question: "I was wondering about "mono yofo" - is that only Dovor Shebikdusha? - what about serving at a meal etc?"

I saw on the evening following my email, that this very question is asked at the back of the latest edition of Kol HaTorah (referring to daf 13a). [Kol HaTorah is published twice a year by Agudas Yisroel in Europe. At the back, there is a section containing a short Dvar Torah for each daf of the Daf Yomi cycle for that 6-month period].

He says it is a Machlokes Rishonim, and brings a few Ma'arei Mekomos (that I have not yet looked up):

Rashi Nedorim (72b), Nimukei Yosef end Moed Koton, Cheshek Shlomo and Haghos Ben Aryeh in Nedorim, Rashi Gittin 59b

I would still be interested in any of your comments

Kol Tuv,

Mark Bergman

The Kollel replies:

The Mishnah Berurah (O.C. 201:13) states that this applies to a regular meal. [The Rashi in Gitin (59b, DH "v'Litol") which you quoted above seems to say it is whenever a Yisrael and a Kohen divide something, unlike the seeming conclusion of the Mishnah Berurah.]

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose