More Discussions for this daf
1. Starting off with the wrong Berachah 2. Teshuvah 3. Midas Yom ba'Lailah
4. Only 3 "Fathers" 5. Yotzer Ohr 6. bread vs. dates
7. Tosfos 8. When one is in Doubt about Blessings 9. Nations being judged
10. Answering Missionaries 11. divine name in blessings 12. Mistaken Berachah
13. Kavanah during Berachos 14. טעה בברכה 15. רש״י ד״ה אלא אי אמרת

abashuta asked:

I would like to know where (in the Talmud) to find any information on how to proceed when there is a case of doubt wether or not a blessing should be said.


abashuta, Portland, OR USA

The Kollel replies:

See Gilyon ha'Shas in the margin to Berachos 12a.

It says on Shabbos 34a that a doubt regarding a rabbinical law is treated leniently. Therefore, since most blessings are rabbinically instituted, when there is a doubt, one may be lenient. There is discussion whether this applies to blessings said before eating food, as it is prohibited to eat without a blessing.

Y. Shaw