The Gemara discusses a shifcha charufa. It gives two sources from Tanach showing that the word charufa means crushed. Rashi in Chumash Vayikra 19:20 says that he doesn't know a dimyon in Mikra to this word. On our daf, however, he explains the word in a manner consistent with the pesukim in Tanach. This seems to be a setirah in Rashi. Please elucidate.
Sam Kosofsky
Rashi in Chumash translates the verse according to the Peshat, according to which Charufah means betrothed. This has no other Scriptural source. However, as the Meforshim point out, it has a Mishnaic source in Kidushin 6a ("ha'Omer Charufasi b'Yehudah"). Our Gemara is a Derash, and is not the Peshuto Shel Mikra, and a Derash needs a Scriptural source (and, as the Gemara shows, this Derash has such a source). (See Sifsei Chachamim and Mizrachi.)
D. Zupnik