More Discussions for this daf
1. Rabban Gamliel 2. Raban Gamliel Embarrassed A Student? 3. Nevu'ah After Mal'achi
4. The Get in Rebbi Meir's Beis Medrash

Reuven Miller asks:

How can it be that Raban Gamliel would publicly embarrass a student? It seems to me that the Gemarra (see the continuation of that daf) is clear that he was mistaken in his actions.

Are there Rishonim? Achronim?that specifically say this?

Was it an "angry outburst" (difficult to say this about Raban Gamliel) or a mistake in judgement?

Can this public embarrassment be justified?

yasher koachen!

The Kollel replies:

Dear Reuven,

1) The Maharsha learns that if there is someone present that was not invited, it is forbidden to do the Ibur Shanah. Therefore it was impossible to continue unless he would leave.

2) Rabeinu Yona learns that Raban Gamliel knew who the uninvited was! He didn't want to mention his name in order that he should leave on his own - so you see that Raban Gamliel also cared about embarassment.

However it is known that Raban Gamliel felt responsible to protect the honor of the position of the Nasi, and insisted the disturber must leave in order that they can proceed. (Actually, some learn that in the end they didn't do the Ibur that day and waited for another opportunity.)

All the best,

Reuven Weiner