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1. Shevi'is 2. Man Tana

Menachem Weiman asks:

Why does the Gemara ask the question "man tana "? Is it bothered by something?

Question 2: why does R Yirmiyah answer who the Mishnah is NOT like? The question was who is it like! (I realize the Gemara often answers this question this way, so my question is a little bit global)

Menachem Weiman, St Louis USA

The Kollel replies:

When the Gemara asks "Man Tana," it can be inquiring who is the Tana but it could already know that there is a Tana but wants to know if the opposing opinion could also be reconciled with the Mishnah, since Rebbi usually tried to write Stam Mishnayos according to everyone. This is what Rebbi Yirmeyah means here, because the opinion that argues with Rebbi Yosi ha'Glili is known and fits with the Mishnah and therefore he is only asking about Rebbi Yosi ha'Glili.

Yoel Domb