I am teaching a class on the dibros and I cam across your Horayos page that explained some of the different views regarding who gave over the dibros to the Jews. I was wondering if Rashi expresses an opinion regarding this issue either in his commentary to the gemarah or the Torah. If he does, I'd like to know the source.
Thank you for your help.
Rivka, New York
Regarding the first two Dibros, Rashi certainly did not hold like the Moreh Nevuchim - that the Jews did not originally understand what they heard. This is evident from Rashi Shevuos 13a, where Rashi writes that we only heard the Dibros from Hash-m (without Moshe's intervention).
Regarding the other eight, Rashi may have held like the Ramban (that the Jews required further explanation from Moshe, but heard the Dibros themselves). Or he might have held that the Jews did not hear them from Hash-m at all (like the Rambam). This may be the difference between Rashi in Shevuos (ibid.) which says that we heard the first two Dibros "only" from Hash-m (implying that the others were heard from both Hash-m and Moshe), and Rashi in Sanhedrin 99a, who writes that "we heard" the first two Dibros from Hash-m (implying that the others were not heard from Hash-m at all).
Best wishes,
Mordecai Kornfeld
Kollel Iyun Hadaf