Who determined which offering a person would offer for the variable value chatos offering?
Was it the individual himself, or did he have to face somethino like a
tuition committee kind of body to get it his "discount" approved??
The Rambam does not specify clearly who is considered "rich" and who is considered "poor" (and the different levels of "poor") with regard to the Korban Oleh v'Yored. We do not find any clear reference in Chazal, either, for how much money one needs to be considered an Ashir, Ani, etc.
It is the consensus of the Acharonim that the determining factor of one's status does not depend on the normal factors that determine who is rich and who is poor (such as with regard to whether one is entitled to receive money from the communal charity funds, the guidelines of which are clearly given, such as having a net worth of 200 Zuz or more, food for three meals, etc.). Rather, the different offerings of the Oleh v'Yored depends on whether the person actually has the money to buy a lamb or not. Since his own atonement is dependent on the Korban that he brings, it is likely that he is entrusted to make his own determination (for we do not assume that he will want to cheat, as doing so would not gain for him the atonement that his Korban is being brought to achieve).
D. Zupnik