Does Ullah hold that the nasi's exemption from an oleh v'yoreid for sh'mias kol is d'oraisa, and not related to the story of Yannai hamelech? Or does that only apply to "ain danin oso"?
The story of Yanai only relates to the law of judging a king. We see clearly from the Derashah in the Gemara in Horayos thast the law that a Melech does not give Edus must be d'Oraisa. It is from the law of Kavod that we derive that he need not stand in front of the Beis Din.
See Rambam (Hilchos Melachim 3:7) who differentiates between Malchei Yisrael and Malchei Beis David (i.e. Yanai) for the law of "Ein Danin Osam" and "Me'idim Aleihem" but not for the law of "Me'idim" (having them testify for others).
D. Zupnik