More Discussions for this daf
1. Rebbi Ami and Rebbi Asi 2. No s'char for learning? 3. Rewards for doing some things
4. Rav Huna 5. Tefilah at Home 6. Is Shechinah Benehem when Learning Over the Telephone or Skype
7. The Shechinah Is With 8. The Shechinah is with Them 9. Me'ayen ba'Sefer; Mazikin; Hash-m's Tefilin
10. Ethical Drashos 11. ha'Hu Gavra 12. The Shechinah in court; 4 Amos of Halachah
13. THE KRIM SEABIRD WITH MULTICOLORS 14. Shechinah/Minyan 15. Panai Yelechu
16. Reward for Torah Learning 17. מצוה לרוץ לבית הכנסת

Reuben Moses asked:

Berachot 6 mentions of the rewards for doing certain things (learning, tzedaka, eulogy, wedding etc) . What rewards is it refering to? And a reward for who? - for e.g. 1) what is the reward for suffering the cramped conditions. And who is the reward for? Similarly, the reward for fasting is the tzedaka that one gives. So person A fasts, and gives tzedaka to person B and C. So is the reward mentioned in reference to person A? Or B or C? Need some clarification? Please help.

1.The primary reward for attending the Kalah is for suffering the cramped conditions;

2.The primary reward for learning is for struggling to understand;

3.The primary reward for visiting mourners is for being silent;

4.The primary reward for a fast is the Tzedakah that one gives (afterwards to the Aniyim who fasted);

5.The primary reward for a eulogy is for making people cry;

6.The primary reward for attending a wedding is for words (that gladden the Chasan).

Reuben Moses, Singapore

The Kollel replies:

A person who attends the Kalah is due to receive a reward from Hash-m, right?

The reward is unspecified but assured. And so it is in all the cases that you have cited. A person who learns Torah, visits a mourner, fasts on a fast-day, delivers a eulogy or attends a wedding, have all performed a Mitzvah, for which he will be rewarded. But he must know that the primary reward (or at least a major part of it) comes for fulfilling that Mitzvah properly, in the way the Gemara describes it.

Consequently, if he attends the Kalah but sits comfortably; learns without exerting himself; visits a mourner and talks ceaselessly; fasts without giving Tzedakah (to help the poor who fasted to break their fast); delivers a eulogy without moving the people to tears or attends a wedding without saying anything nice to or about the Chasan and Kalah, then his Mitzvah is deficient and his reward will be deficient, too.

be'Virchas Kol Tuv

Eliezer Chrysler