When Rashi says on the top of omud aleph that a talmid chochum is potur from krias shma ol hamita, (according to that shita) that he is constantly reviewing his learing; is that a koola or a chumra in the status of a talmid chochum? Meaning, that a 13 year old kid that hasn't learned rov shas might have this shmira even though he doesn't know too much as long as he is reviewing constantly; or a chumra where someone who is considered a "talmid chochum" but is not always learing or reviewing (according to Rashi, does one have to mamash chazar or just non-stop learning?) wouldn't have this shmira?
It seems to me that Rav Nachman is granting a special dispensation (with regard to the first Parshah of the Shema) to Talmidei-Chachamim, who constantly revise their learning, as opposed to ordinary people, who tend to have other things on their minds. The Poskim discuss the definition of a Talmid-Chacham, and someone who does not fall under this category should recite the Shema, and has no right to adopt the mantle of a Talmid-Chacham.
In other words, it is a Kula for a Talmid-Chacham and not for anybody else.
R. Eliezer Chrysler