Who signed his name boruch at the last tosfos on 4a?
Avrohom Sebrow, Far Rockaway
Rabeinu Baruch ben Rav Yitzchak (1140-1211) authored the Sefer ha'Terumah and is known as the "Ba'al ha'Terumah." However, he also wrote the Tosfos we have on Zevachim and his name appears on many of them (Shem ha'Gedolim). The Tosfos in Nidah are also based on his Tosfos. Rabeinu Baruch was a disciple of Ri ha'Zaken and lived in Paris where he collaborated with Rabeinu Yehudah Sirleon. In his later years he immigrated to Eretz Yisrael and is buried there.
Yoel Domb