The last few words of the translation says "while he himself agrees with the Rabbanan". This threw us completely. Should this be "as if to say I say according to the Rabbanan" - meaning R-L is not agreeing with the Rabbi's position that there is no malkos for a lav shein bo maaseh - R-L holds that there is malkos for transgressing such a lav. Please clarify R-L's position here according to this Tosafos.
David Wiseman, Dallas TX
Let me begin by stating that the translation that you quote is inaccurate, not only because it clashes with Tosfos' earlier statements (which is clearly what is bothering you), but also because it is not an accurate translation of the words. In fact, the correct translation of the entire last phrase is, "The author [of the Beraisa quoted by Rebbi Yochanan] is Rebbi Yehudah; whereas I was speaking according to the Rabanan" (like whom he does not rule, as I shall now proceed to explain).
Tosfos in Bava Metzia is puzzled by the apparent discrepancy in Resh Lakish's statements. He concludes, however, that Resh Lakish in fact holds like Rebbi Yehudah, that "Lav she'Ein Bo Ma'aseh Lokin Alav," and although his statement there follows the Rabanan, it is not his personal opinion, and that is what Tosfos' concluding words mean here, as I explained.
Kol Tuv,
Eliezer Chrysler