More Discussions for this daf
1. Hasra'as Safek 2. Shevu'ah and "Lav she'Ein Bah Ma'aseh" 3. Atonement
4. Hilchesa Kavasei... 5. Tosafos DH I Hachi 6. Tosfos DH Hasra'ah
7. Stam Mishnah Rule

David Wiseman asks:

Please clarify the answer #1 to the implied question. Where exactly do we see in the conclusion of our gemara here Shev 3b) that R' Yishmael can hold that there is no malkos for a lav shein bo maaseh.

Thank you

David Wiseman, Dallas, TX

The Kollel replies:

Dear David,

On Daf 4a, the Gemara explains that even though Rebbi Yishmael had one Stam Mishnah that there is Makos, he afterwards learned a different Stam Mishnah (end of 3b, "Shevu'ah she'Lo Ochel Kikar") that implies that there is no Makos in a case of "Ein Bo Ma'aseh." Accordingly, the Mishnah of "Elu Hen ha'Lokin" is not difficult.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner