On Berachos beis amud Beis, I forget, but either Rashi or Tosfos says R' Yehuda doesn't darshin B'Shach'becha Uvkumecha, so then my ? is what does he base it on? He holds after plag hamincha, he must base it on something, right?
David Kallus, teaneck nj
Excellent question. If we assume that Ma'ariv begins when Minchah ends (as seems clear from the opening Tosfos in the Masechta), then we will find that your Kashya is included in the Kashya that Tosfos ask at the end of 26b. (from where Rebbi Yehudah learns that the time for Davening Minchah lasts until P'lag ha'Minchah).
And they answer that he learns it from the Ketores that was brought by P'lag ha'Minchah. Others cite the time that they brought the afternoon Tamid. All this is of course based on the fact that our Tefilos follow the same patern as the Korbanos.
Kindest regards
Eliezer Chrysler