why does the gemaras say that that R' Eliezer is really talking about the end of the moshmarios and for a person in a dark house, you could answer just as well that were talking about the begining of the mishmaros and someone is in a dark house so he can't tell if 3 stars are out yet so when he hears the donkey braying he'll know to get up and say krias shema! I love the site and you people are great marbeizi toreah
yehoshua rabinowitz, b.h., l.a.
Your plan only solves half the problem. The second answer of the Gemara wants to improve on the first answer, and not be forced to say that the Simanim are just for the different times of the Mishmar. If we say that they are all at the end then we have a reason for both the first Siman (end of time for reciting the night Shema) and for the last Siman (beginning of morning Shema in a dark house). Therefore we choose to say the end Siman.
Dov Zupnik
Here is what the Kollel answered to a similar question. Please let us know if this is not enough.
Best wishes,
Kollel Iyun Hadaf
Berachos 003: The end of the Ashmuros
yehoshua rabinowitz asked:
why does the gemaras say that that R' Eliezer is really talking about the end of
the moshmarios and for a person in a dark house, you could answer just as well
that were talking about the begining of the mishmaros and someone is in a dark
house so he can't tell if 3 stars are out yet so when he hears the donkey
braying he'll know to get up and say krias shema!
I love the site and you people are great marbeizi toreah
yehoshua rabinowitz, b.h., l.a.
The Kollel replies:
Your plan only solves half the problem. The second answer of the Gemara wants to improve on the first answer, and not be forced to say that the Simanim are just for the different times of the Mishmar. If we say that they are all at the end then we have a reason for both the first Siman (end of time for reciting the night Shema) and for the last Siman (beginning of morning Shema in a dark house). Therefore we choose to say the end Siman.
Dov Zupnik