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13. The signs for the Mishmaros 14. Rebbi Nasan 15. Dovid Hamelech's Evening Schedule
16. Churvah 17. Time of Going to Bed 18. Mishmaros
19. A Handful Doesn't Feed a Lion 20. Sending out to war 21. Times of the Mishmaros; When is midnight
22. Ashmuros; Urim v'Tumim 23. King David's harp 24. Fooling the angels; 3 or 4 Ashmuros
25. King David sending the nation to war 26. Source for Ashmoros 27. query
28. חצות לילה היה עוסק בדברי תורה

Alex asks:

The gemara on 3B quotes R'Ashi who says until midnight Dovid would learn then at midnight would say shiros v'tishbachos. A few lines down it quotes R shimon Chasida who says that the harp woke him at chatzos and he would learn till amod hashachar. How do we reconcile these two things? Acc to rav ashi after chatzos he was saying shira, acc to r shimon chasida he was learning.

Alex, USA

The Kollel replies:

The Kollel replies: These are indeed two opinions as to what David ha'Melech used to do.

I assume that your problem is how Rav Ashi, an Amora, can argue with RebbiShimon Chasida, who was a Tana.

However, when it comes to Agadta, this is not uncommon.

Wishing you a Kesivah va'Chasimah Tovah

Be'Virchas Kol Tuv

Eliezer Chrysler.