Whats the difference between the first mishna in zevachim saying LESHUM and in menachos Meshum.
I could not find the word Mishum in the first Mishnah in Menachos. Perhaps you are referring to the Gemara Menachos 2b which mentions Olas ha'Of she'Malkah *Mishum* Chatas.
In Yosef Da'as, Rav Ben Arza points out that that is an obvious printer's error; it should also read Leshum. In fact, Dikdukei Sofrim records that the correct Girsa is indeed Leshum.
If you are asking about the difference between Leshum and Leshem, I am not sure that there is any.
M. Kornfeld
Your correspondent is probably alluding to the readings of the Mishnahs in the Mishnayot, and not to their readings in Shas.
In effect, in the Mishnayot, the first Mishnah of tractate Zevachim reads "le'Shem Chovah", whereas the first Mishnah in tractate Menachot reads "mi'Shum Chova". (Please see the "Shinuei Nuschaot" to the locations cited.)
Mordechai Schwimmer, Brooklyn NY
Thank you Rav Schwimmer for helping us out!
I see that the Shinuyei Nuscha'os records the Bavli's Girsa of "Leshum" by both, as well as the Cambridge Manuscript (one of the more reliable manuscripts of the Mishnah) of "Mishum" by both.
After reviewing the terminology of the Mishnah quickly in a database, it would appear that the Bavli's version is more correct. The word "Leshum" is used consistently when saying "for the sake of" or "with the intention of". Examples of this abound: Gitin 3:12, 4:4, 8:5, Nedarim 4:8, 5:6, 8:7, Pesachim 6:5, Shekalim 3:4, Yadayim 4:2). On the other hand, "Mishum" always means "in the name of" or "for the transgression of" or along those lines.
The only exception to this seems to be the Mishum of Bava Basra 8:8 (see also Pe'ah 1:3, 1:6, which can be explained away).
Best wishes,
Mordecai Kornfeld