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Pinchas Mizrachi asked:


There is a church in Philadelphia that has a carnival for the public every year. A part of the proceeds of this carnival go directly to the church. Is there a din forbidding going to the carnival? Are there other views to this issue, such as specific days, places, etc. that will weigh on a ruling?

Warm Regards,

Pinchas Mizrachi, Philadelphia, USA

The Kollel replies:

The Rema (YD 243:3) rules that one may pay for the use of something that belongs to an idolatorous group as long as it is not in front of their idol and also that the money will not be used for the idol worship itself. Therefore if the carnival is not in the church itself, even if it is on church property, it shouldn't be a problem attending the carnival. Even though some of the money will go to the church it probably goes to general upkeep of the church and salaries and not for ritual items (wine, chalices etc.).

Kol Tuv,

Yonasan Sigler