More Discussions for this daf
1. Dibur is not a Ma'aseh 2. Pshat in Rashi 3. Which Mesichta comes before Makos?
4. Keitzad Ein HaEdim Neasim Zomemim 5. Edut Sh'eino Yachol L'haziman 6. Question on the second Kal Vachomer.
7. Rebbi Yochanan's Kal v'Chomer 8. Eidim Zomemim 9. Rebbi Yochanan's Kal v'Chomer
10. Does the Gerushah become a Chalalah? 11. Damages 12. Iy Atah Yachol Lehazimah, and Kim Lei...
13. 40 lashes 14. Minah Hani Mili 15. Edus she'I Efshar l'Hazimah
16. Malkus for Edim Zomemim in a case of Ben Gerushah, Tosfos 17. Question on Suggestion of First Tosfos 18. First Tosfos on Daf 2a
19. Mitzri Sheni 20. Lo Sa'aneh Without an Action 21. Mitzri Sheni
22. Ben Gerushah And Ben Chalutzah 23. Chalutzah 24. Galus
25. Chalalah 26. R Yochanons Kal v'Chomer- Insights 27. Killing b'Shogeg or b'Meizid
28. Ma'aseh or not? 29. The very first Tosfos 30. v'Lo Ka'asher Asah
31. Tosfos on "Mah ha'Sokel" 32. Tosfos and Maharsha 2b 33. R. Yochanan's Kal v'Chomer
34. Question on the Ritva from Shifchah Charufah (in Insights) 35. מכות בגימטריא הרהורים 36. מכות בגימטריא הרהורים
37. תוספות ד"ה מעידין 38. אין עושין בהן דין הזמה כל עיקר 39. והצדיקו את הצדיק
40. בגניבתו ולא בזממו

R. Meir asked:

What's the difference between Tosafos' second kashya on Rashi vs. his third kashya?

We understood that Tosafos' second kashya is that ka'asher zamam is a chidush, giving intent greater status than successful implementation of the din, only in situations which have a psak din and a bitzu'a of the din, ie death penalty; there, we can say ka'asher zamam and not ka'asher asa. But in Ben Gerusha,etc, there is no distinction between psak din and implementation; because there is no implementation. this is what we said Tosafos meant when he said there's no mikor sheyitchalel hazama; without a pasuk, logic dictates that the zomimim shouldn't be mitchalel for hazama alone. But then Tosafos' next question is that the kal vichomer doesn't work in the case of sokel because it would be mivatel Toras Edim Zomimim, which is not the case by Chilul. Isn't this essentially the same kashya? The reason the kal vichomer wouldn't be mivatel the din of edim zomimim by Chilul is that there is no pasuk there to preclude paturing the edim for intent only.

R. Meir, Jerusalem

The Kollel replies:

The third difficulty of Tosfos is that if we make the Kal v'Chomer from "Ka'asher Asah" to "Ka'asher Zamam," then there will be no possible case of "Ka'asher Zamam," because in every possible case there exists the Kal v'Chomer. However, above -- where we are making the Kal v'Chomer from the father of the Chalal. it is a local, limited Kal v'Chomer which will leave the possibility of "Ka'asher Zamam" in all other cases.

D. Zupnik