More Discussions for this daf
1. Dibur is not a Ma'aseh 2. Pshat in Rashi 3. Which Mesichta comes before Makos?
4. Keitzad Ein HaEdim Neasim Zomemim 5. Edut Sh'eino Yachol L'haziman 6. Question on the second Kal Vachomer.
7. Rebbi Yochanan's Kal v'Chomer 8. Eidim Zomemim 9. Rebbi Yochanan's Kal v'Chomer
10. Does the Gerushah become a Chalalah? 11. Damages 12. Iy Atah Yachol Lehazimah, and Kim Lei...
13. 40 lashes 14. Minah Hani Mili 15. Edus she'I Efshar l'Hazimah
16. Malkus for Edim Zomemim in a case of Ben Gerushah, Tosfos 17. Question on Suggestion of First Tosfos 18. First Tosfos on Daf 2a
19. Mitzri Sheni 20. Lo Sa'aneh Without an Action 21. Mitzri Sheni
22. Ben Gerushah And Ben Chalutzah 23. Chalutzah 24. Galus
25. Chalalah 26. R Yochanons Kal v'Chomer- Insights 27. Killing b'Shogeg or b'Meizid
28. Ma'aseh or not? 29. The very first Tosfos 30. v'Lo Ka'asher Asah
31. Tosfos on "Mah ha'Sokel" 32. Tosfos and Maharsha 2b 33. R. Yochanan's Kal v'Chomer
34. Question on the Ritva from Shifchah Charufah (in Insights) 35. מכות בגימטריא הרהורים 36. מכות בגימטריא הרהורים
37. תוספות ד"ה מעידין 38. אין עושין בהן דין הזמה כל עיקר 39. והצדיקו את הצדיק
40. בגניבתו ולא בזממו

Shlomo Friedman asked:

Where (and why) does rashi get the drasha of casher zamom velo casher assa - the gemara/mishna on daf 5b rings a totaly separate draha??

Shlomo Friedman, Lakewood,USA

The Kollel replies:

The Rambam (Edus 20:2) and the Meiri in a number of places on 2a, 3a use the same term as Rashi. The Ritva on 5b writes that we actually do not learn this Halachah from l'Achiv -- as is evident from the Gemara there, which tells us that the Edim are not killed because of Ein Onshin Min ha'Din, and not because of a Mi'ut. (The Mishnah writes l'Achiv to make it look like a Derasha since the Tzedukim that they were addressing would accept that more readily than the logic of Ein Onshin Min ha'Din, see Meiri; the Meiri in Bava Kama 55b seems to be taking the Derasha of the Mishnah at face value, but his words can be learned in a manner consistent with the Ritva as well.)

This raises another problem; if Ein Onshin Min ha'Din is the reason Edim are Patur by Ka'asher Asah, why do the Rishonim write "v'Lo Ka'asher Asah?"

The answer is that there are two steps. First, we must determine that the Torah only addresses a case of Zamam and not Asah. That is "v'Lo Ka'asher Asah" that the Rishonim write. Then, we must ask why do we not automatically assume that the Torah wants us to give the same punishment by Asah, even though it is not written explicitly. To answer that, the Gemara proposes that Ein Onshin Min ha'Din.

M. Kornfeld