In Point by Point Outline 1)(When we cannot punish Ka'Asher Zamam) (i) it is said that a Gerushah who commits adultery is made a Chalalah. Could you please explain why this is so.
Is a Chalalah the daughter of the marriage of a Kohen to a Gerushah?
martin Korn, London, England
Our Outline reads: A Kohen who is Mechalel (he has Bi'ah with a Gerushah which makes her a Chalalah) does not become a Chalal."
The Outline is not discussing someone who commits adultery with a married Gerushah. Rather, it is referring to a Kohen who has forbidden relations with a Gerushah, even if she is his wife! Such a forbidden relationship makes her a Chalalah.
A Chalalah is a woman who either:
(a) lives with a Kohen when she is prohibited to Kohanim (e.g. she was a Gerushah or Zonah, or an Almanah living with a Kohen Gadol), or
(b) she has relations - even permissible ones - with a man that was .
born a Chalal, or
(c) she is born from such either of the pervious two relations.
All the best,
Reuven Weiner