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40. בגניבתו ולא בזממו

shmuel asks:

according to tosafos the punnishment of makkos accorded to false witnesses in the case of a ben gerusha is considered cosher zomam. I am having trouble coming up with the logic to connect the dots.

what I am struggling with is based on what i understand that the pshat of coshe zomam on the literal level is getting the reciprocal punnishment. however in this casethey get makkos.

whats the svara to say that makkos fullfills cosher zomam.

i understand false witnesses recieve makkos from vehatzdiku and therefore they can get punnished with lashes but how can u say that fulffills cosher zomam.

I apologize for the length and if theres any confusion in the question I am beginning to learn tosafos and my hebrew isnt so strong. so i cant really look at many perushim. I apreciate your time all the best and thankyou very much for the website!

Shmuel , Cherry Hill, NJ

The Kollel replies:

The first answer of Tosfos is that there is more of an element of ka'Asher Zamam when we lash witnesses who testify that a Kohen is a Ben Gerushah, than when we lash witnesses who were trying to kill an innocent person.

Tosfos' second answer is that there indeed is no rule of "ka'Asher Zamam" in the case of a Ben Gerushah.

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose