n asks:

Who is the hagahos tzadi-kuf on the bottom of the daf, and is this the same author as the frequent notation in the mesoras hashas of "tzadi-lamed... tzadi-kuf"? I figured out tzadi lamed means tzarich lomar; does the tzadi-kuf at the end of the notation mean that the correction is brought by the same tzadi-kuf as the author of the hagahos tzadi-kuf? Thanks.

The Kollel replies:

You are correct. "Tzadi-Kuf" refers to the commentary, Tzon Kodshim, written by Rav Avraham Chaim Shor. It contains many emendations as well as explanations. The Tzon Kodshim is usually printed in the Asifas Zekenim, a collection of several commentaries.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner