
Why does the Torah use the double expression "Im Shacho'ach Tishkach"?


Rashi (in 11:13): To warn Yisrael that once one begins to forget, one goes on to forget everything'. 1


Mechilta (in Beshalach): If you forgret one Mitzvah, you will end up forgetting many Mitzvos. 2


Rashi: As it states in Megilas Chasidim (or Megilas S'tarim - [It is also a Sifri]) 'If you will abandon Me for one day, I will abandon you for two!' (See Sifsei Chachamim there. In other words, when you forget Hashem, He forgets you


Why does the Torah use the double expression "Ki Avod Toveidun"?


Seforno: Because if Yisrael follow the sequence mentioned in the Pasuk, they will lose Olam ha'Ba as well as Olam ha'Zeh. 1


Presumably, the heading in the Seforno, which reads 'Toveidun ka'Goyim", ought to read 'Avod Toveidun'.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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