
What is the meaning of "va'Hashem His'anaf bi al Divreichem"?


Rashi: 'Because of you and because of issues that concern you (It is because I impinged on your honor.when I said "Shim'u Na ha'Morim" [Bamidbar 20:10] - Yavin Shemu'ah). 1


Ramban #1 (1:37), Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: It means literally 'because of your words'


Daf Al ha'Daf Menachos 41a, citing Pardes Yosef ha'Chadash: Due to Yisrael's complaints about water, Hashem was angry, and due to that, Moshe was punished more severely


Why does the Torah need to add "u'Levilti Bo el ha'Aretz'?


Oznayim la'Torah: To include entering the land via north of the Yarden (round the cave of Pamayas) or via the south of the Yarden (round the Yam ha'Melach).


Oznayim la'Torah (citing commentaries): "Levilti Ovri es ha'Yarden refers to during Moshe's lifetime; "u'Levilti Ovri es has'Yarden", to after his death.

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