
What is the meaning of "Amarti Af'eihem"?


Rashi #1: 'I said that I will cast them away 1 - to make them Hefker like Pe'ah'. 2


Rashi #2 (citing Targum Onkelos): 'I said that My anger will take effect on them and I will destroy them!' 3


Rashi #3 (in Mo'ed Katan, 16b) and Hadar Zekenim: 'I said that I will remove the Pe'ah from them - the little that I left over after exiling them, like a person who leaves Pe'ah at the end of his field.


Ramban (citing the R'dak) and Rosh: 'I said that I will scatter them in all corners (of the earth)'.


Ibn Ezra: 'I said that I will exterminate them in His anger..


Seforno: 'I said that I will leave over Pe'ah from them and destroy the rest 4 - after having failed to achieve My objective of perfection. 5


Da'as Zekenim and Rosh: 'I said that I will destroy them and leave no remnant of them.


Targum Yonasan: 'I said that I would remove from them My Holy Spirit, 6 leaving over just a few remnants, like a man who harvests his field and leaves a little plot of ground (unharvested)'.


Rashi (on Pasuk 43): From here until Pasuk 28 is the opinion of R. Yehudah in the Sifri, who interprets Pesukim 26-28 - and some of the Pesukim later as we will try to explain - with regard to Yisrael. But according to R. Nechemyah in the Sifri, they are referring to the nations.


Rashi: As in Nechemyah, 9:22.


Rashi: This is based on the word "Af'eihem" - which the Sifri and Onkelos divide into three words 'Af, Ey heim' - 'I said in My anger I will destroy them (and people will ask) 'Where are they?' Ramban: And their memory should be lost from mankind forever - a hint at the ten tribes, who were exiled behind the River Gozen, which the Chachamim called the 'Sambatyon' - See Ramban DH 've'Hinei Yirmoz'.


Seforno: This will materialize at the end of days, as the Pasuk writes in Yo'el, 3:5.


Seforno: Neither at Matan Torah, nor in Eretz Yisrael nor in Galus.


See Na'ar Yonasan.


What is "Ashbisah me'Enosh Zichram" referring to?


Ramban: It is referring to the exile of Yehudah and Binyamin (the last two tribes to be exiled) 1 in which we currently find ourselves, where we have no standing among the nations and are not considered a nation by them.


Ramban: Refer to 32:2:1:3*.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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