
"Vehevi'cha Hashem Elokecha el ha'Aretz". When will this take place?


Rashi (in Arachin, 32b): When they return from (the second) 1 Galus, as he Torah indicated in Pasuk 3.


Refer to 30:3:3:1.


What are the implications of the double expression "asher Yarshu Avosecha Viyerishtah"?


Megilah, 29: it implies that there will be a first and second Yerushah (that of Yehoshua and of Ezra, respectively), but not a third'. 1


Arachin, 32b: It compares our inheritance to that of our fathers (in the time of Yehoshua), to teach us that, like the 'inheritance' of our fathers, they began to count Sh'mitin and Yovlos and declared Kadosh the walled towns, so too, will be our 'inheritance', (and like the 'inheritance' of our fathers, the Mitzvos of the land took effect min ha'Torah, so too, will be our 'inheritance' - Yerushalmi Kidushin, 1:5). Your fathers only became Chayav


Torah Temimah (note 2): This means that they needed to sanctify the land when Yehoshua conquered it, and again when they returned in the time of Ezra (Because the Kedushah ended with Galus Nevuchadnetzar), but not in the time of Mashi'ach (since the Kedushah with which Ezra sanctified it, did not end with Galus Romi). See Torah Temimah in notes 2, 3 & 4, where he elaborates in great detail.


What are the implications of "Veheitivcha Vehirb'cha me'Avosecha"?


Targum Yonasan: It implies that with the coming of Mashi'ach, Hashem will do with us more good and increase us more than He did with our fathers. 1


Yerushalmi Kidushin, 1:5 #1: 'Your fathers 2 were (permanently) Patur from the Mitzvos of the land, but you were Patur but merited to became Chayav; 3 Your fathers (who inherited the land) did not bear the yoke of any nation, but you inherited it in spite of the fact that you did); 4 Your fathers only became Chayav (T'rumos and Ma'asros) after fourteen years, but you will become Chayav - each man as he purchases food. 5


Yerushalmi Kidushin, 1:5 #2 (citing R. Elazar): With reference to the time of Mashi'ach - 'Your fathers only inherited the seven nations, but you will inherit ten - seven plus the Keini, the Kenizi and the Kadmoni. 6


Refer to 30:9:1:1.


Refer to 35:5:1:2.


See Torah Temimah, note 5.


With reference to hte Yoke of the kingdom of Persia, when they returned from Galus Babel.


See Torah Temimah, note 6.


See Torah Temimah, note 8 and Oznayim la'Torah.

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