
How does this Pasuk explain the reason behind the B'ris?


Rashi: Having sworn to the Avos never to switch their offspring for another nation, Hashem found it necessary to bind Yisrael by means of these oaths (and curses) - to prevent them from making Him angry, since He cannot part from them.


Why does the Torah insert the word "Hayom"?


Rashi: Refer to 29:9:1:2. To teach us that, just as the day continues to exist - after it becomes dark, it becomes light again, so too, did Hashem make it light for you, and that is what He will continue to do. In fact, it is the curses and the suffering that enable you to survive 1 and to stand before Him. 2


See Sifsei Chachamim.


Rashi: Also the Parshah following the curses (29:1-8) are words of consolation.

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