
What are the ramifications of the B'ris that Yisrael entered into at Arvos Mo'av?


Rashi: They accepted upon themselves the Torah with a curse and an oath over and above the B'ris that they accepted upon themselves at Har Sinai.


B'rachos, 5a: The Torah writes "B'ris" in connection with Yisurim (the suffering of the Tochachah), and in connection with salt (in Vayikra, 2:13 - to teach us that, just as salt sweetens the meat, so too, do Yisurim cleanse (or sweeten) 1 a person's sins.


See Torah Temimah, note 55.


Which respective eras do the B'risos here and in Bechukosai, cover?


Ramban: Refer to Vayikra, 2:11:7:1*.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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